Monday, April 2, 2012

Violence in the Media: Effects on Children

The Burning Question

Violence in the media is a topic worthy of research because the indirect effects on viewers can lead to negative side effects in everyday life. Media releases entertainment through numerous avenues, but television still remains to stand out among the rising popularity of the internet. As the effects seems to breach all age groups, the research question at hand narrows the search to adolescents since they are believed to be the most impressionable age group. What is the effect of violence consumption on adolescent TV viewers? Adolescents are at a time in their life where they are faced with many decisions that can shape their future. Since their attention is easily caught by entertainment media, the heavy amount of exposure to this mean of communication may be linked to a correlation in behavior. By researching studies performed on adolescent TV viewers, a conclusion can be drawn about the effects violence on TV has on this subculture.